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French Volunteering Day

The French Volunteering Day (JVF) 2024, organized by France Volontaires, will take place on October 25, 2024, at the Alliance Française Accra, highlighting the contributions of International Exchange and Solidarity Volunteers. The event brings together volunteers, partners, and key stakeholders around the theme "Francophonie: Volunteers in Action for a Shared Future."

This edition focuses on the cultural and linguistic exchanges between France and Ghana, emphasizing the role of the volunteers in promoting solidarity, social inclusion, and community development. The JVF takes place in the context of Ghana’s bid to join this year the International Organization of Francophonie (OIF).

Join us in celebrating the spirit of volunteering and the vibrant connections between our countries!

Venue: Seminar Room & Amphitheatre, Alliance Française Accra
Date: Friday 25th October, 2024
Time: 9am