Studying at Alliance Française Kumasi has been an incredible experience. The language class is engaging and the teachers are very welcoming.

We are AF Kumasi, we promote all things French!

Alliance Française Kumasi, established in 1956, is a cultural institution dedicated to promoting French language and Francophone culture in Ghana. It has become a hub for language learning, cultural exchange, and artistic expression, fostering ties between Ghana and Francophone countries.

Through its various activities, AF Kumasi continues to be a dynamic center for promoting cultural diversity and understanding.

Language Courses

Teaching of French and English as foreign languages to toddler, kids, teens and adults.


We offer French and English translation and interpretation services.


Movie club, music concerts, shows, workshops, francophone parties etc.

We are are an examination center.

Gain language proficiency at all levels with our standardized tests and exams. Achieve language mastery, advance your career, and join our community of learners.

Get in touch with us !

To contact us, please submit your details and a short message into the form. We will respond as soon as we can.


15 Archbishop Sarpong Road TUC, Kumasi

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